Select MHD EV vehicle
Select EV vehicle quantity
Select EV Miles driven daily per vehicle
Select Days driven per Month
 Total Monthly Miles Per Vehicle:
Total Annual Miles Per Vehicle:
Select Charger Type
Select all expected charging hours
(times are beginning hours)
    Sun energy Solar times
*Expensive peak times to avoid or limit.
Select ICE fuel cost per gallon
(Internal Combustion Engine)
Select Utility Rate*
Or enter a Custom rate into the yellow cells
Check box if you want to include maintenance cost in your savings calculator
Maintenance costs will be lower due no oil changes, filters, etc. 
Check here if you want to include LCFS credits in your savings calculator
Check box if you want to include an on-site solar system in your savings calculator  
Vehicle Type ICE
Vehicle Class 
Fuel efficiency
Daily miles per EV
Qty of EVs
Charger Type N/A
EV Savings, $/mi  
EV Savings, 1 yr  
EV Savings, 10 yrs  
Contact Information: Fill out form and hit the Submit button below and a complete EV Savings report will be sent to you.
* California only: The data pertains to California region only.
Charging Hours Selected: Hours in which the vehicles will charge, as defined by the user. The cost of charging will be spread evenly over all selected hours. If you do not know the charging schedule, the default is 8 night time hours.
Charger Utilization Chart: The Chart manages the number of hours necessary for your EV miles and how the power from your selected charger equipment can impact your use case. The light green line illustrates the charging power equipment and the green bars are the daily hourly charging sessions. The green bars are dynamic and demonstrate if the hours selected are enough to charge your fleet. If your charging time is too short you will get an alert and you should add more time or more power. 
Custom Utility rates: There are two custom rate features: (1) Simple Custom rate, and (2) Advanced Custom rate. In the Simple Custom Rate you enter only one rate, the kWh rate. When selected you should enter a blended energy cost that will be used for all 24 hours, all 365 days per year. That value should reflect the blended cost of all energy, demand charges, and fixed charges. One technique to determine your simple custom rate value is to simply divide a monthly utility bill by the amount of kWh used in that month. In the Advanced Custom rate, you can enter the following into the 4 input fields:
  Monthly Service: Any fixed monthly charge for things such as a meter or connection fee (enter dollars in format XXX, maximum $999)
  kWh Rate: Cost of utility energy purchased per kWh. This should reflect an average of all times and seasons. (Enter in denomination of cents in format .xx, maximum $0.99)
  kW Rate: Cost of utility power, generally charged by capturing the highest power load recorded (as measured in kW) over the course of the month, and billed at a fixed rate per kW (known as Demand fees). (Enter dollars in format XX.xx, Maximum $99.99)
  Sales Tax: The Sales tax % charged by the utility (enter tax % in format X, maximum 9%)
  Warning Message: Invalid entries will be shown in the Custom red-outlined cells. Follow directions for valid entries to run the calculator.
Default Use Case: You only have to answer Q1, Q2, and Q3 to create a use case. The default settings, until otherwise overridden, are Q1) Two EV Star Shuttles, 100 daily miles per vehicle, 21 days per month. Q2) DCFC 50kW charger, 8 hours of over-night charging starting at 10pm and ending at 6am. Q3) ICE fuel cost at $3.85 per gallon, Simple Custom electric utility rate of $.016 per kWh. Any of those settings can be changed by you.
Electric Utility Tariff Rates*: The calculator uses 3 electric tariff rates designed for EV Commercial vehicles in California's largest utility companies. The PGE* tariff is BEV-2, the SCE* tariff is EV-TOU-8 which supports up to 500kW of load from charging and the SDGE* tariff is EV-HP which will be available on about Dec 2021. The custom rate feature allows for any rate to be used. Information for entering your custom rate can be found above in this Section. 
Escalation: The expected annual increase in the cost of energy. The calculator default assumes a 0% yearly increase in electric energy, and 0% yearly increase in liquid fuel used in the ICE calculations.
EV: Electric Vehicle powered from a battery
EV Charging: The charging equipment used to charge the vehicles. Model assumes a ratio of 1 DCFC charger for each 4 vehicles. Model assumes a ratio of 1 to 1 one when selecting AC charging and each will simultaneously charge. The energy requirement for the charger(s) is calculated according to the efficiency of the charger you have selected. 
EV Miles: The number of vehicle miles traveled in the use case, as defined by the user.
Fuel Cost: This should reflect the price of the applicable fuel (diesel, petroleum, propane, gasoline, or any liquid fuel). The calculator assumes no change over 10 years, so if one has an expectation of an average price over the next 10 years you should enter that. 
Fuel efficiency: The model assumes the following fuel efficiencies by classification;
  ICE vehicles
  Class 3: 14 mpg
  Class 4: 11.4 mpg
  GreenPower EV Fuel efficiency by classification
  Class 3: 0.75 kWh/mile
  Class 4: 0.77 kWh/mile
  Class 4 Box/Cutaway: 0.85 kWh/mile
ICE: Vehicle powered by an Internal Combustion Engine, fueled by diesel, petroleum, propane, gasoline, or any liquid fuel.
kWh: A unit of energy. The kWh unit is used for the sale or purchase of energy.
kWh/Mi: An expression of EV vehicle efficiency, reflecting the number of kWh from the battery needed to propel the vehicle 1 mile under typical load.
kWh rate:  Rates per kWh vary by utility, season, month, hour, day of the week, and sometimes change according to special peak events. When a utility is selected, the Calculator applies a standard utility rate to all 4 summer months and 8 winter months, for all 7 days at weekday rates. Additionally, the rates are reflected from the following  4  time periods:  12am to 7:59am, 8am to 3:59pm, peak times of 4pm to 8:59pm, and 9:00pm to 11:59pm.  You can select a custom rate feature to enter whatever blended rate you want that will apply to your planned charging hours.
KW rate: power rates are measured in kW and the Calculator converts a utility's Subscription or Demand Charge into $/kW. If the Advanced Custom rate is selected you can enter this yourself.
LCFS*: A unit of value for a carbon credit (Low Carbon Fuel Standard), used in California for Carbon trading. California offers credits for every kWh used to charge EVs. One credit is generated by EV miles driven when you own the charger. The credits are valued at market rates which are forecasted to decline over time, and considers both the vehicle type and vehicle efficiency. The owner of the charger can claim the credits. If a 3rd party owns the chargers they can claim the credits, so it is advisable to own your charging infrastructure. If you do own the infrastructure the credits are paid to you by accredited brokers for each kWh used to charge an EV.
Maintenance cost: cost per mile for vehicle maintenance.  While each vehicle has its own maintenance requirements, GreenPower vehicles have demonstrated their maintenance cost is 50% lower than a comparable ICE vehicle over a 10 year life. 
Miles Driven: This reflects the average miles you expect to drive each vehicle per day, or yearly average. This is used to calculate the energy requirement (kWh) and any LCFS credits. The calculator is limited to a maximum quantity of 10 vehicles. You can increase the miles driven if you want to see more miles in your use case.
MPG: an expression of vehicle efficiency, reflecting the number of gallons of Diesel, Petroleum, CNG, Propane, or any liquid fuel needed to propel the vehicle 1 mile under typical load.
Operating costs $/mile: This is the operating cost to include the elements of your use case as well as any Maintenance, LCFS, or Solar savings options you have selected.
Peak Time: Peak Time hours vary by Utility and State. There are different Peak Hourly Time Periods established by each Utility. Currently in California the Peak Time is 4pm-8:59pm.
Rounding in Calculator: values are rounded for display, but calculations are performed in the background by up to 4 significant digits when pertinent.
Solar Hours: The hours that the sun shines. The calculator determines the amount of solar needed to satisfy the charging needs according to local irradiation characteristics. The irradiation will fluctuate by season and day so when integrated properly the utility energy will be seamlessly used as needed to compensate. Solar will provide $0/cost 0/carbon energy when available.
Total Cost $/mile: This is the operating cost to include the elements of your use case, as well as any Maintenance, LCFS, or Solar savings options you have selected  
Disclosure: No representation or warranty is expressly or impliedly given as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness.
Forward-making statements: No representations expressed or implied as to forward-looking statements, data, estimates, predictions, projects, performance, savings, or uses in future events or applications hereby warrants any expectations or possibilities.
Accuracy: All sources, regarding utility rates and generation of fueling credits are to be considered to be correct at the time of this publication. Information relied upon to develop this tool is based on measurements, analyses, observations, interpretation and conclusions to support its accuracy. We reserve the right to revise any data at any time and from time to time without prior notice will update the tool with most current data with real world information.
Data Varies: It is based on your region or application or own use and can vary with each application.
USE Case (creating your own use case): You need to answer Q1, Q2 & Q3 to create your own use case. Q4, Q5 & Q6 are optional.
  Q1) EV vehicle information: Here you select the vehicle type, quantity of vehicles, miles driven per day per vehicle, and number of days per month in use. You  will see the annual miles at the bottom. 
  Q2) EV Charging information: Here you select your charger and determine the hours when you plan to charge the EVs. The resulting utilization graph shows the utilization, validating that you have selected enough hours "required" to charge your fleet in the time you plan and within the capacity of the charger you selected.
  Q3) Fuel Cost: Here you select the ICE fuel cost and Utility energy cost. This will compare Fuel Costs and include the savings in your results.
  Q4) Maintenance Cost (Optional): If selected, this will compare maintenance costs and include the savings in your results.
  Q5) LCFS (Optional): If selected, this will include California's fuel credits, and those earnings will be included as in your savings results.
  Q6) Solar System (Optional): If selected, this will include additional savings for sites properly integrated with solar. The savings can be substantial when a good amount of charging occurs in hours when the sun is shining. 
Instructions: The calculator will calculate savings based on all the inputs. Q1, Q2, and Q3 pages have a default entry but any can be changed or overridden to reflect your desired configuration. Once the selections and settings are made you can see the results instantly. You can change the settings if needed and see the result in real time. You can submit the final version and a report will be sent to you.
Default Use Case: You only have to answer Q1, Q2, and Q3 to create a use case. The default settings, until otherwise overridden, are Q1) Two EV Star Shuttles, 100 daily miles per vehicle, 21 days per month. Q2) DCFC 50kW charger, 8 hours of over-night charging starting at 10pm and ending at 6am. Q3) ICE fuel cost at $3.85 per gallon, Simple Custom electric utility rate of $.16 kWh. Any of those settings can be changed by you.
Data from Chart: Calculations and chart updates are made instantly. You will see the results of your input selections in real time. Hover your mouse on the chart to get detailed data.
Optional tabs: Tabs Q4, Q5, and Q6 are optional, and the calculations can be activated by clicking on the ON button; otherwise the default is OFF and the costs or savings are not included in the total calculation
Simple Custom Rate: Enter only "1" rate  in the kWh Rate field. This should be in cents ($.xx) and it should represent all cost elements in the total cost of electricity, divided by all the kWh purchased in the period.  
Advanced Custom Utility Rate: In the advanced custom features, be sure to enter in denomination of dollars and/or cents as depicted below. Enter the 4 rate elements for: The monthly fee ($XXX/month), average energy cost ($.xx per kWh), power or demand charge ($XX.xx per kW), and tax (X%).
Questions: Click here to Email us with any questions and they will be answered in one business day.